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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

At The Parsonage

February 13th, 2019 by Aubri

2019-02-06 10.52.50

It’s the Crazy Days (Daze) New Baby Phase at the Parsonage. So many of our favorite Winter funz have gone out the window this year. No Snow Ball, no Winter crafts or treats, Mama did not go outside and pull the sled this year and I have just kept trying to figure out how on Earth we would pull off Valentine’s day “requirements.” (Phil to the rescue on that one!)

I tell the babies, this is just a different kind of year. A new baby necessitates changes and putting some things aside. However, we do what we can and look forward to another year when we can have more of our normal enjoyments.

In the meantime we do have this delicious little baby to look at amidst all the crazy shuffling through the day.

2019-02-10 07.15.17

Another “Easy like Sunday Morning” this week. Baby screaming in one room, the alarm I forgot to turn off going in the other room…and this, more snow.

2019-02-06 10.37.24

2019-02-06 09.44.45

2019-02-06 11.05.56

“Twinkle Twinkle little star” and the riff raff in the background.

2019-02-06 16.37.23

It’s been a while since we’ve had a newborn during the school year. When Martha was born, in April of 2015, we had two in school full time and two in half day Preschool. It’s different now, busy mornings for us but we’re pulling it off I think.

2019-02-06 16.37.27

2019-02-09 17.25.46

2019-02-10 12.36.04

2019-02-12 21.10.17

2019-02-12 14.15.59

2019-02-12 16.55.30

You know you’re in your 4th Trimester when it all starts getting a little too Lord of the Flies up in here. I have no idea where the kids are now but I do know where they’ve been. It’s so hard for me not to get panicky when the house, the laundry, the dishes, the cooking, the homework, the THINGS all start to come unraveled while I sit and feed the baby or sit and burp the baby or sit and hope the baby stays asleep. All the things pile up while you’re just sitting!

Eventually though they get fixed, put back together, done and done. And lately it’s been due to the graciousness of the man of the house and the minions he puts to work. I’m so very thankful and do believe I’ll sit just a bit longer burping a baby.

4 Responses to “At The Parsonage”

  1. Kristi says:

    Keep capturing those moments because they are racing by!!!!

  2. Katie says:

    Thanks for “keeping it real” about life in the 4th trimester, Aubri! That was encouragement that this Mama of 4 under 6, struggling with worse-than-usual nausea and fatigue in the 1st trimester needed! Enjoy your baby snuggles – so thankful that little Abel is here and that all are well in the Hale house.

  3. grandmere says:

    Love it! Mercy singing to baby is so sweet! 🙂

  4. Carrie H says:

    Great cuddling weather 🙂