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A Bundle of Myrrh

"My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh." Song of Solomon 1:13

What It’s Like – Dressing For Church

March 22nd, 2015 by Aubri


What I wear to church.

(Who put that dirty mirror in my house?!)


What I need to wear to church.

Anyone else feel like you’re going to the gym instead of sitting in a pew?! Seriously, THIS again! Maybe it’s just being 36 weeks pregs, but there’s a lot of sweating, heavy breathing and exhaustion involved. And that’s just when I try to stand up!



8 Responses to “What It’s Like – Dressing For Church”

  1. Rebekah says:

    Aubri, I love your outfit! I was just telling my mother in law that I wish I had the guts to wear a short dress to church with some boots. Cute and comfy.

    And yeah the sweating thing. More than wearing spandex I need to remember to wear the deodorant. 😛

    Yay for baby church (up)bringing!

  2. Katy says:

    Cute! I have a picture like this somewhere…

  3. Jody S. says:

    How can you wear a shorter dress with children? Mine would have the skirt up around my waist or something! I’m actually scared to wear anything not below my knees.

    Brave, brave (but cute) Mommy.

  4. Aubri says:

    Ha ha! Don’t worry ladies I will actually wear tights with a dress this length and still yes, Jody I fight “the rise!” I thought I was in the clear for such things, but lately…not a good idea!

    I like to take pics of outfits sometimes to give myself ideas when I’m stuck staring into the closet wondering what to cover myself with. Recipes I call them for the “Oh yeah, the boots and that blue dress are ok.” PLUS TIGHTS IF GOING TO CHURCH! And my church pants have gotten “ouch.” So winter pregnancy has been a challenge! A tshirt and stretch pants sound delicious for Sunday morning. 🙂

  5. Sarah says:

    I feel like I’m going to an Olympic triathlon every Sunday morning. I am so excited for the sweet, sweet silence(or the noise of only two versus five children) during Sunday school! I would never be apposed to wearing a workout outfit to church. If only that were an option! Super cute outfit! I am thinking I need more dresses… My pants are starting to cut into the pregnant…. And that’s always super comfortable to go through while wrestling five kids. 😉 ❤️❤️

  6. Kristi says:

    Oh! I love that dress! At 36 weeks, you are still rocking the dress and the boots. You, go, girl!

  7. Katy says:

    Personally, I love the shorter dress + leggings trend. I found that picture that matches this one, and I’m not pregnant in it, but wearing a maternity dress :-O

  8. Carrie H says:

    Haha, love it! Can I wear exercise clothes postpartum too?! I live in sweat pants these days, but try to wear ‘real clothes’ out of the house 🙂 You look great in your dress. I’ve been a big fan of maxi skirts and dresses lately. They are stretchy which is always good and longer, which I never used to like but I do now.